Tuesday, August 25, 2009

David's Fallen Tent

"After this I will return and rebuild David's fallen tent. It's ruins I will rebuild that the remnant of men may seek the Lord and all the Gentiles who bear my name says the Lord who does these things that have been known for ages." (Acts 15:16-18)

Act 15:16-18 is a quote from Amos 9:11-15 NIV Amplified Verison

If you search David's Fallen Tent on the internet you get all kinds of things. Some folks take it to be the literal return of Israel to their land, some the rebuilding of the temple. For some it is about taking the gospel to the Jew.

I don't pretend to have it figured out at this point. In my quiet time the Lord keeps bringing this passage up. I have a distinct feeling like there is some thing he wants me to see or understand. I feel like it is somehow a key that will unlock some revelation for me.

I am kind of wondering if David's Hut might not be the restoration of David's amazing kingdom and the Temple but perhaps what God wants to restore in all of us is that place of intimacy. That time together out alone in the shepherd's hut. David spent so much time out tending the sheep all by himself that he developed a deep intimacy with the Lord. Perhaps we are looking for something big and flashy when God is looking for a return to intimacy with Him.

"I will rebuild that the remnant of men may seek the Lord and all the Gentiles who bear my name says the Lord" I will rebuild the remnant of men who like David are out in there huts seeking him, praying, worshiping, doing their daily work. David was fairly unique in his day in that he had an abiding, personal relationship with God. He knew God would be with him as he faced Golliath because God had been with him as he faced lions and bears. The Lord calls David a man after my own heart. David just loved being with God he was not busy trying to become great, or important - he was just a guy that took care of sheep and got to know God.

For myself, I find that I have grown to love that place of intimacy with the Lord. I spent many years being busy for the Lord but not really spending time with him. In the last year I have had it in my heart to turn that around. That my priority would be my intimate relationship with the Lord, not to develop a ministry or a name . I have made choices to get up each morning before my household and spend it with the Lord. I felt like the Lord asked me an searching question recently. Would I be ok, if I never accomplished anything of significance by the worlds standards but could make a difference by kingdom standards. Would I be ok with just singing my songs for him, doing my art for him, writing for him, living a quiet life working with my hand touching the lives around me. So I have been mulling that around in my head and I'm ok with that. So I am writing this today a simply an over flow of my quiet time. It is posted here for God's pleasure alone. Because I lost by Bible with a concordance and had to come search this out using www.BibleGateway.com Will it be read by others - who knows, will it touch others lives - only God knows. This is just a convenient journal of my discoveries for the moment. For now I know I want to be part of that remnant of people who have a intimate shepherds hut relationship with the Lord.

Ok - now there is more.... That they may possess the remnant of Edom and of all the nations that are called by My name.

So who is the remnant of Edom? Edom was an enemy of Israel. According to Wikipedia "Edom (Hebrew: אֱדוֹם, Modern Edom Tiberian ʾĔḏôm ; "red") is a name given to Esau in the Hebrew Bible, as well as to the nation descending from him." Esau gave up his birthright for a pot of stew. How does one possess those who care more for their immediate desires than for their birthright. The Lord's call extends to all of us and we have to make a choice to know him. I can only guess that perhaps those David's hut people will be able to influence the folks that call them self by His name but are more interested in their immediate desires than to really know the Lord. Perhaps the out working of the hut of intimacy is that one gains the ability to possess for the kingdom, people who are estranged from God or who's relationship is shallow. God is rebuilding a people who know Him on an intimate level by spending time with just Him, not to get something, or to be something. I will rebuild (that place of intimacy)... that the remnant of men may seek the Lord.
As we each allow Him to rebuild that hut of intimacy with him, with out our striving it will effect those around us and cause others to seek the Lord. When the leaders and warriors of our time quake in fear at the Goliath's of our day will we like David arrive on the scene with food from the father amazed to see the greatest of the day are confounded by the ememy. Will we arrive with our sling and stones and a belief that even this Goliath is not to big for our God.

Daniel 11:32
Those who do wickedly against the covenant he shall corrupt with flattery; but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits.

1 comment:

garry umphress said...

I wanted to encourage you to press in to the sense that the Holy Spirit put on our heart about the significance of David's tent.
From experience I can share that this symbol is much more that our human minds have been able to grasp..... so far.
Since 2003 my wife and I have been pursuing what this fallen tent symbol truly means beyond our popular"western Christian grid" of theology.It is about Dan 12:4 and Rev 5&7. Seals. The bibles are and have been sealed.The unsealing process is a timely and a direct work of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. This unsealing when complete will represent David's fallen tent and the restoration of the tribes of Israel. We have only been able to have ever thought of the tribes as a distribution of people globally which in part is true. However, have you ever wondered about how exactly God was ever going to keep his promise to them to scatter them? If you are so led please feel free to visit this site below to see the wisdom of God and the magnitude of how Jesus and the Holy Spirit has, will and will continue to rule over the nations.... for his ultimate purpose and his grand return. If you are led to view more info please let me k now at garry@jasonhouse.org

garry Umphress